You eat a banana and dark chocolate hearts and have a cup of tea.
You eat a burrito for dinner which required you to pop in to the produce store and pick up expensive cheese and salami for tomorrow. Prior to which you were prompted to say, "Fuck it. I'm going to get a burrito." And then pause and add, "P.S. Put that on my tombstone." Realizing it could be the epitaph of like every Mission hipster ever.
You purposefully avail (civ pro!) yourself of a clawfoot tub, floating in the hot water. And have a solo dance party on the back deck in your towel (no one could see you) to Broken Records using the built in stereo system.
You find Orion in the crisp clear night sky, always Orion, and feel the cool air on your face.
And suddenly it's not ALL bad.
This too shall pass.
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